Mobile Mediation: The New Frontier for Online Mediation
Presented by Giuseppe Leone
Mobile Mediation - Cyberweek 2013 from The Werner Institute on Vimeo.
Look around. Mobile devices - Ipad, Iphone, Android tablets or smartphones - are everywhere. They are so easy, simple to use and powerful, that some people can no longer imagine living without them. So the question is: what if our dispute resolution skills and mobile technology could be combined and work together? For example, imagine that you are the online mediator of a homeowner v. contractor dispute. How useful and effective would it be if the homeowner could use her Iphone not only to participate in your online mediation from the comfort of her home. But also to actually "show" to the contractor (and you) with her Iphone what exactly she is complaining about -- where and how badly the roof that the contractor built is leaking, or the wall that he painted is cracking.
During this webinar you will learn why the first mobile mediation simulations run in our Virtual Mediation Lab with mediators from around the world already show that (1) from the parties' perspective, mobile mediation makes a lot of sense because it is so convenient and effective; and (2) from an online mediator's perspective, mobile mediation can create entirely new business opportunities.
Presenter Bio:
Giuseppe Leone is the founder and project manager of Virtual Mediation Lab. VML is a pilot project sponsored by the ACR Hawaii to: (1) Help mediators improve their skills and learn to mediate online, by participating in online mediation simulations with other mediators; (2) Explore the next frontier for online mediation – Mobile Mediation. He has been practicing and teaching mediation since 1997. Giuseppe's Virtual Mediation Lab project is featured in the Summer 2013 issue on "Innovation and Conflict Resolution" of ACResolution, the quarterly magazine of the Association for Conflict Resolution.
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During today's webinar, I will show 2 examples of Mobile Mediation for resolving:
1. A homeowner v contractor dispute
2. A dispute between 2 roommates over their messy shared space
In both cases, one party uses his smartphone to show "live" (to the mediator and the other party) what his complaint is all about.
In the second case, the online mediator (an ODR student sitting in a coffee shop) helps the parties share their pictures as well, and uses an online whiteboard for writing up the roommates' mediated agreement.
Hello all, The archive for this webinar is now available and embedded at the top of this page. Please feel free to continue the conversation with any questions or comments within this forum. Enjoy!
In preparation of yesterday's webinar, we have already run and video recorded in our Virtual Mediation Lab 6 examples of Mobile Mediation
And therefore, for the time being we don't plan to run similar simulations -- unless 3 or more mediators suggest some new and interesting cases worth simulating because they show the effectiveness of mobile mediation.
Mediators who are interested to practice their mediation skills and learn how to mediate online can always sign up for a FREE simulation of a commercial, family or workplace case. If you visit our website, you'll find the link to sign up for a free simulation.
Jon Linden said:
Hi Giuseppe, I have been a Mediator for the last 14 years. I have done ODR Mediations several times. I did a fair amount of it for SquareTrade/eBay on disputes between buyers and sellers. I am interested in participating in a session. If I wanted to participate in one of today's sessions, such as the "messy room" session. How do I accomplish that. Do I just connect to the "bluecafe" link at 6:45 PM EST and participate? I am using an Apple iPad and I used it in the training session with Bryan Hanson. Thus, I know that it works. I was able to speak and be heard. I did not try the camera, but I am fairly confident that it would also work. I have briefly used it a couple of times. For a change of pace, I would not mind being one of the parties, rather than the Mediator. I Mediate all the time, but rarely do I get to be a party. Although, I have been a party several times, once when I filed a law suit against a business partner. It did settle, but primarily because I wanted it to settle and I was much more flexible than I should have been. But I really couldn't stand my partner any more and I didn't want to spend a lot of money in court, so I knew the best route to an agreement would be for me to be flexible in my settlement demands. The Mediator by the way, was completely useless. If I did not actually know exactly what had to be done in order to resolve it, it would have gone to court. But I didn't want that, so I made it settle.
Anyway, please let me know what I need to do. I have used WedEx one time, and it worked. I am not an expert at all, but I was able to get it to work. So, I am hopeful that it will work in your demonstration. Please let me know what to do to get into the simulation. If you want, you can send me e-mail at Or you can contact me through the CyberWeek system some way. I will keep monitoring this site for your answer.
Thank you,
Jon Linden
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