Mediating Online with Tough (Paying) Parties Can Be Hard - Finding Those Parties Can Be Even Harder

During my September 13, 2022 Free 1-hour Zoom meeting, I’ll share with fellow mediators many tips and proven techniques to quickly create a good rapport with your parties when you mediate online. Especially when it’s the first time they participate in mediation - let alone online mediation.

In addition, we’ll consider another, more challenging scenario.

Imagine that you, armed with your just-finished advanced mediation training, enthusiasm, and a good marketing plan, have just launched a new mediation business. And, in order to persuade new potential clients to hire you, you offer on your website a Free 30-min mediation consultation via Zoom. For example, to introduce yourself, get a sense of what their dispute is about, and explain how you could help them resolve it - either in-person or online.

What can you say (or avoid saying) to quickly create a good rapport with those potential clients, and convince them to hire you - in just 30 minutes?

My 1-hour Zoom meeting for fellow mediators on how to quickly create a good rapport with parties (or potential clients) online will take place Tuesday, September 13 at Noon Eastern Time. It’s Free. No Powerpoint. And no registration is required. Just click this Zoom link

Sounds interesting? If so, I look forward to meeting you there.

Giuseppe Leone 

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