The Ombudsperson/Mediator shall examine CEB agents’ inquiries and complaints thatare referred to him/her which can be of any nature related to their employmentrelationship with the Bank.He/She shall endeavour to facilitate an agreement between the two parties usingconciliation or any other appropriate means, with the primary objective of resolvingdisagreement between CEB agents and management. To the extent possible, theOmbudsperson/Mediator shall propose a friendly settlement to the persons concernedas promptly as possible.The Ombudsperson/Mediator shall communicate his/her proposals for an amicablesolution within the lapse of time compatible with the rights of the person concerned andwith the rules of good administrative management.The Ombudsperson/Mediator shall perform his/her duties in a fully independentmanner: while in office, he/she shall not exercise any functions nor conduct anyactivities that may affect his/her impartiality or that are likely to be considered as doingso by the staff or the Governor of the Bank.Twice a year, the Ombudsperson/Mediator shall present a progress report to theGovernor indicating the cases referred to him/her and those he/she has declaredadmissible. In his/her annual report, the Ombudsperson/Mediator may makerecommendations and suggest amendments to the Staff Regulations or theirimplementing rules, as well as changes in administrative practices.
Professional and personal skills: In-depth experience of matters concerning the
international civil service and, preferably, of matters concerning an international financial
institution. Excellent interpersonal skills and very good analytical as well as writing skills.
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