Academia, business and governments universally declare mediation the most cost-effective and quickest manner to resolve conflicts.   But do the majority of civil and commercial players even know the practical aspects of this game changer enough to use it with confidence?  Have we done our best to let them know?
(see link at the bottom of the page)
The International Mediation Institute (IMI) invites YOU and YOUR COLLEAGUES to participate in a brief biennial survey to gather information about Mediation & ADR Awareness, IMI Performance, and YOU.  IMI launches initiatives to promote worldwide growth of practical and sustainable conflict resolution systems.  By completing the survey we can:

∞  Find out what matters most to you about resolving conflicts,
∞  Tell others what you are up against when it comes to conflict management,
∞  Grow mediation by building awareness and support, and
∞  Enhance the IMI organization to make it fit for YOUR needs
Please forward the survey to people whose opinion you value!

If you participate in the survey by December 31, 2015 and leave your contact details at the end of the Survey, you will be included in a drawing for a free entrance into one of the unique IMI Global Pound Conference Series events of your choosing in any of 36 cities in 26 countries (see as our way of thanking you for making the time to give us your input. 
Survey results will be sent to all who include their contact details in advance of being posted on the IMI Webportal.  
We appreciate your time and participation.
About the International Mediation Institute (“IMI”)

IMI is a non-profit public interest initiative to grow mediation by driving transparency
and high competency standards into mediation practice across all fields, worldwide.
The basics of IMI in a Nutshell can be found here:
To participate in the survey, click here:

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