The Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution at UC Hastings College of the Law has been coordinating email negotiation simulations between its negotiation classes and other negotiation classes across the country for the past 3 years.  We are doing it again for Fall 2011, and would like to invite you to join us.  We run 8-10 basic negotiation courses per semester with approximately 16 students each.


Our protocols have changed slightly in hopes of connecting more professors with each other.  If you are interested in partnering with another negotiations class for an email negotiation, please reply to Jolynn Jones, CNDR Academic Program Coordinator, at with the number of students in your class, your school, and your contact information.  We will first match Hastings classes with other schools, and then match other schools with each other.  When all possible classes have been matched, we will send an email with the remaining list of names of professors, their school, the size of their class and the professor’s contact information.  At that point, anyone who receives the email can contact anyone on the list to set up a negotiation

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