Fairness, Trust, & Security in ODR from The Werner Institute on Vimeo.
To become a more mature domain, ODR (like its older sibling ADR) needs to develop theoretical models as well as implement practical solutions. Prevalent amongst these theoretical issues – with critical practical ramifications - are the concepts of fairness, trust and security in ODR.
Thus we will introduce and discuss critical issues in each of these domains – and demonstrate why they need further development. For ODR systems to be considered fair, we must ensure that such systems are transparent, give advice about the shadow of the law and alternatives to negotiation as well as provide some degree of transparency.
When examining trust in ODR we examine ODR’s role in providing trust in online activities, consider the effect of users’ trust in ODR on the field’s development, recognize the unique dynamics of interpersonal trust development in the online environment, and enhance users’ trust in advice or other content offered by an ODR system.
We note that there are four distinct connotations of the term security in ODR: Information Security, Data Security, Personal Security and System Security.
Presenter Bio:
John Zeleznikow is an internationally recognised expert with over 30 years research experience including the last 15 years working on negotiation decision support and machine learning in law. He recently published Lodder, A. and Zeleznikow, J. 2010. Enhanced Dispute Resolution through the use of Information Technology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and Lodder, A. and Zeleznikow, J. 2005. Developing an Online Dispute Resolution Environment: Dialogue Tools and Negotiation Systems in a Three Step Model. The Harvard Negotiation Law Review. Vol. 10:287-338.
He has received over 7 million Australian dollars in competitive research grants, significant international collaboration and industry funding, supervised 15 PHD students to completion and conducted over twenty radio and television appearances. In November 2005, he won his heat of the ABC New Inventors program for his negotiation support system Family_Winner which enhances negotiation in Australian family disputes.
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