The face is the most expressive part of our bodies providing the second most important vehicle to communication next to speech!
Face & Emotion Course
November 28 to December 2, 2012 in Newark, NJ
Hosted at: Holiday Inn Newark Airport
VisualEmotion LLC (VE) in conjunction with Emotional Intelligence Academy Ltd (EIA) are excited to offer the Face & Emotion Course, a 5-day event designed to provide attendees with a full insight into the human face and emotion’s that humans universally express through facial expressions. The course is designed for those who have purchased the technical Facial Action Coding System manual (available from Joe Hager at to facilitate the learning of FACS through expert training in a dynamic group environment in preparation for the FACS certification test. This course is a hands on exploration of the human face including the analysis of the emotional and cognitive messages that facial expressions convey. Students will leave the course understanding not only the underlying muscular movements of the face but also their meanings and interpretations.
Course Description
The basis of the Face & Emotion Course is to learn to code, read, analyze and interpret the behavioral changes in facial expressions. Students will practice and learn the techniques of the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). Students will also explore the biology of the face and the research on universal facial expressions and emotions in the context of a multi-dimensional learning environment that encompasses exercises, videos, and interactive group work. The Face & Emotion Course is designed to not only prepare students for the FACS final certification test but also to provide the groundwork to building keen observational skills and interpreting the face in terms of what we know about human emotion. Our innovative course takes you beyond just microexpressions and the 7 universal expressions fostering a heightened sensitivity and ability to decipher facial clues to emotion and cognition. The course is based on many years of research and a coding system that has become the universal standard in understanding facial behavior.
The Face and Emotion Course will be a 5-day event.
Key Elements of the Course
Course Includes
Includes lunch and refreshments for each day of the course
Complimentary parking and shuttle service to and from Newark International Airport
Supplemental course workbook and materials
Delegate travel and accommodation and refreshments outside of the 9-5 sessions is not included and delegates need to make their own arrangements for this
Does not include FACS Manual and end test ($260 for FACS Manual + $20 test fee) and we cannot take any responsibility for those who do not acquire these in good time for the course (available from )
Delegates must bring their own laptop and their own FACS Manual CD
The Holiday Inn, Newark, New Jersey
To register or for more information contact or visit
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