Ensuring a Healthy Workplace-- Eliminating Bullying and Other Dysfunctional Behaviors –Washington, DC March 2-3, 2011 Cost: 400.00 Workplace stress is now at an unprecedented level – joblessness, increased workloads, and lower pay – all combine to create a pressure cooker that can lead to conflicts and outbursts at the workplace. Employees are experiencing a loss of security, jobs, health benefits, pensions and morale, resulting in a workforce more prone to conflict than ever. Managers and employees need to recognize the warning signs and make changes to swap bullying and other dysfunctional behaviors for strategies that lead to a healthier workplace. *** TheFMCS Institute is offering 2 exciting new courses - Dealing with Difficult People, March 1, 2011, also offered “Ensuring a Healthy Workplace March 2-3, 2011”. Take both courses and save $50.00 Call for registration information ***