Cyberweek 2016 - Call for Proposals

It is time once again to prepare for the annual virtual conference on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), Cyberweek 2016.  This online conference provides a week of activities and dialogue regarding the world of ODR.  Cyberweek 2016 will take place Monday, October 31st through Friday, November 4th, 2016.  And it’s FREE!


We are currently in the process of identifying potential activities for the conference.  Here are some questions to help you consider developing a proposal.


•Is there an ODR topic on which you would like to give a live webinar?  How will those interested in ODR benefit from your expertise? Would you like to convene a panel of 2-3 speakers on a topic?

•Do you have a burning question relevant to the world of ODR you feel would benefit from a large discussion?  Would you be interested in facilitating a discussion forum based on these questions?  How do you envision initiating this conversation? Is there anyone else you would ask to take part?

•Do you have an ODR related product you would like to demonstrate to a large audience of scholars, practitioners, and students?

•Do you have suggestions for organizing activities (simulations, competitions, podcasts, or anything else) that would enhance the Cyberweek experience?

•Do you have a topic that may be valuable to a newcomer to ODR?  Do you have a topic that may be interesting to a longtime ODR practitioner?


If you would like to propose any type of learning experience for Cyberweek 2016, please submit a paragraph description along with the preferred format (Discussion Forum or Webinar) via the following link by September 2nd, 2016:


**Once again Cyberweek will have a Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian track. To propose activities in these languages, please contact Alberto Elisavetsky at


This will be the 19th iteration of Cyberweek.  Since 2010, the Werner Institute has been assisting in the facilitation of Cyberweek by hosting it on the website  Via this platform, thousands of participants have engaged in conversations with students, faculty members, and practitioners interested in the integration of technology into our dispute resolution processes.  Once again, Cyberweek will be packed with engaging discussions forums, webinars, podcasts, demonstrations, simulations, and contests.  We are also planning to integrate many of the latest innovations in social media to create an interesting and informative event. You may click on the following links wants to view the archives for Cyberweek 2010, Cyberweek 2011, Cyberweek 2012, Cyberweek 2013, Cyberweek 2014, and Cyberweek 2015. If you have any questions, please contact Bryan Hanson ( or Noam Ebner (


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