Cornell e-Mediation Competition - 2016

Cornell University's Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution, in conjunction with Modria Mediation Room, is hosting the 2016 Cyberweek eMediation Competition.


Register at:


It is important to note that you must also register for Cyberweek to fully participate in this event:


When is the competition?

October 31 - November 4, 2016


Who can register?

Registrants must be a registered student of a college or university.

  1. You can register as an individual to participate as one of the disputing parties in a mediation.
  2. You can register as an individual mediator to mediate a dispute.


What types of cases will be used?

Disputes included in the competition may include workplace or small claims community disputes.


What will the online competition be like?

the eMediation competition will be using both the Modria and Brav platforms this year, Modria providing a platform for asynchronous communication and Brav providing a platform for synchronous communication. 

All communication within Modria is currently asynchronous. The communication within Modria is text based, and appears much like a discussion thread on platforms such as FaceBook.


Each mediation room includes a common area for all parties to write questions and responses, as well as private areas where each party can write messages with the mediator privately.


How many rounds of competition will there be?
The competition will consist of one round over 4 days.


How will the competition be evaluated?
All communications will be judged on a scale of 1-5 by professionals within the eld of ADR. Once each transcript has been scored, the top 5 mediators and the top 10 parties will be announced.


Please feel free to contact Katrina at with any questions. Good Luck!

Coordinator Bio:

Katrina Nobles is the Education and Communications Manager for the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution at the Cornell ILR School. Nobles works with faculty and extension associates to coordinate programs, contracts, and grants. She also assists in designing curriculum, instructing professional programs, and facilitating discussions for labor-management groups. She has practiced mediation for several years, and prior to her employment at Cornell, Katrina was the Cortland County Coordinator for New Justice Mediation Services. During that time, Nobles mediated hundreds of community, child custody/visitation, child support, and family disputes. Katrina holds a Master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Engagement.



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The results are in for Cyberweek's 2016 e-Mediation competition. This year included 42 participants from 11 different universities in 3 different countries. After completing the scoring and ranking of the top 5 mediators, and the top 10 disputants (top 5 for each role) for the eMediation competition. The results are:



1st Place: Veronika Waldhof, Cardozo School of Law

2nd Place: Michelle Alexander, Marquette Law

3rd Place: Erica Stoltz, Marquette Law

4th Place: Alberto Ghiani, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law

5th Place: Zheng Wang, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law


Disputant, Party A:

1st Place: Adrianna Hromadka, Marquette Law

2nd Place: (Tie) Patrick McDonald, Marquette Law and Molly Bussie, Marquette Law

3rd Place: John Rome, Marquette Law

4th Place: Ilena Telford, Marquette Law

5th Place: Melanie Younger, Carleton University


Disputant, Party B:

1st Place: Nicole Gougeon, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law

2nd Place: Harrison Kuntz, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law

3rd Place: Sharion Scott, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law

4th Place: (Tie) Ashley Moore, Washington University and Ding Liu, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law

5th Place: Hillary Lynde, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law

Congratulations to these participants for succeeding as mediators and disputants in the online environment. To all those that participated. I trust that the experience was rewarding.

Many thanks to Katrina Nobles from Cornell University for organizing the event and to those that supported the event as judges. It is always a meaningful component of the Cyberweek programming and your effort is appreciated.


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