Call for Workshop Proposals
Submission Deadline: February 14th, 2012
11th Annual Conference - Thursday, June 21st, 2012
Co Sponsored by:
ACR-GNY invites proposals for its 11th Annual Conference to be held at 55 Fifth Avenue, New York City on Thursday, June 21, 2011. Proposals must be submitted on line no later than February 14th, 2012 using the Wufoo form at (electronic submissions only, please).
The 2012 Conference will provide a meeting place for over 200 dispute resolution professionals, attorneys, academics, volunteers, policy makers and students involved or interested in the whole spectrum of diverse areas of conflict resolution.
The overarching theme for ACR-GNY programs in 2012 is ‘Diverse Dispute Resolution in Tough Times’. This conference will combine opportunities to networking with a choice of stimulating and informative and inspiring speakers. We are looking for a broad range of themes and topics, especially focused on new directions, innovations and ways of expanding the realm of ADR in a challenging economic climate.
The conference aims are:
•· To provide relevant and stimulating content to both new and experienced conflict resolvers (including mediators and arbitrators)
•· To create the environment for networking and sharing across the diverse spheres of the GNY conflict resolution community which is also valuable to sponsors
•· To record and publish learning from the conference
•· To deliver Continuing Legal Education acceptable to Bar Associations and other such regulatory bodies
The following list contains some themes, but is not exclusive:
•• Current issues in commercial, family, community, school or workplace ADR
•• Effective marketing of mediation or arbitration practice
•• Ethical standards for conflict resolvers in a competitive world
•• Cutting-edge developments in dispute resolution that win business
•• International mediation and arbitration issues in challenging markets
•• New techniques and new applications for old techniques that also make money
•• Cross-cultural issues in dispute resolution
•• Career paths for ADR practitioners when the job market is difficult
•• Building a financially viable mediation or arbitration practice
•• Training methods, developments and innovations which get results that people will value
Proposal Requirements
All workshops sessions will be 75 minutes and are likely to be held in a lecture theater with an audience of between 20 and 60 people. There is no limit on the number of proposals you submit – however, usually, only one workshop will be selected per presenter.
Conference Materials
To improve the quality of the learning experience and to qualify for CLE credits, which will be offered to attorney attendees, all workshop presenters must prepare written materials for distribution to participants. These will be required by 27th April 2012. For workshops with more than one presenter, the materials may represent the entire panel. Only workshops with at least one attorney on the panel are eligible for CLE credit.
Proposal Review Process
Each proposal will be reviewed by the Conference Program Committee which will select the final Conference Workshops.
Acceptance of proposals will be made by March 31, 2012.
Conference Attendance
If your proposal is accepted, you will be entitled to a discounted registration rate as a faculty member. The presence of Conference faculty enriches the entire conference experience and your full participation in the conference is encouraged. ACR-GNY does not pay travel expenses for faculty members.
Acknowledgement of Proposal Submission
When you submit a proposal a confirmation acknowledgement will automatically be emailed to you.
The faculty is one of the most important elements of any conference. ACR-GNY recognizes the hard work that goes into preparing a first rate presentation. We appreciate your continued support. If you have any questions, please contact Ewan Malcolm, Conference Chair, on 917 701 1648; or email at
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