Dear Fellow Mediator,


I am Dr. Peter Coleman, Director of the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR) at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York. We are currently launching a research project studying the conditions and processes of effective mediation and are writing to request your participation in our on-line survey.


Although the field of mediation has matured considerably over the last decade – as illustrated last July 11, 2011 when the UN General Assembly passed UN Resolution 65/283 on Strengthening the Role of Mediation in the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, Conflict Prevention and Resolution – our work still faces several considerable challenges:


  • Statistics suggest there are more mediation failures in some domains (international and state-level) than successes.
  • Today, many practical models of mediation are not derived from evidence-based research or sufficiently responsive to situational contingencies.
  • In addition, the findings from research that has been conducted on mediation present a fractured, piecemeal understanding of what constitutes “effective mediation” and how to achieve it.
  • Research is either micro (e.g., mediator style) and decontextualized from the broader system of conflict management, or macro (e.g., case comparisons) and disconnected from mediator decisions and behavior.
  • Knowledge developed within academia oftentimes does not reach practitioners and valuable field experiences and practices rarely inform academia – impeding mutual learning and development.
  • Many approaches to mediation are insufficiently responsive to local culture and indigenous, traditional approaches and tend to exclude women and youth.
  • Finally, international standards and metrics of best practices in mediation are lacking.


To address these concerns, the ICCCR has launched a comprehensive research project on effective mediation. The current study is aimed at identifying the most basic aspects of mediation situations that determine differences in mediator strategies and tactics. In other words, what are the most important features of mediations that effect whether a mediator facilitates or evaluates, seeks to settle or aims to transform, comes on strong or backs-off?


In order to participate in this study, please complete the online questionnaire by following the link below.


This survey will take about 30 minutes of your time, and will contribute considerably to the scientific development of our field. In addition, we will be happy to share the results of the study and we will compensate you for your participation with a $10 Starbucks gift card. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.


Peter T. Coleman

Professor of Psychology and Education

Director of the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR)

Teachers College, Columbia University

Co-Director of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4)

The Earth Institute at Columbia University


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