If you are interested in (or curious about) online mediation, you can now watch a new 48-min video showing an online mediation simulation of a family case (Sharing Dad’s funeral expenses), with:
>> Mediator: Juliette (London, England – connected with a Mac)
>> Party 1: Veronica (Pennsylvania, USA – connected with a PC)
>> Party 2: Marissa (Maryland, USA – connected with an Android smart phone)
>> Coach - Giuseppe (Hawaii, USA - connected with a Mac)
Face-to-Face Mediation v Online Mediation
After that mediation simulation, all 3 mediators and their coach participated in a debriefing session (not shown in that video), to reflect on what happened during that mediation, and to analyze both the parties' experience and the effectiveness of the mediator's approach.
One key question for the mediator, crucial for understanding better how mediating online can affect a mediator's behavior and decisions was: "Juliette, if you had mediated this case face-to-face, would you have done anything differently than what you did online?". Her answer was short and clear: "No".
To watch the 48-min video of this online mediation simulation click here - http://goo.gl/Hc3znW
PS: Virtual Mediation Lab is an online mediation project sponsored by ACR Hawaii
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