Webinar (November/2013): Interdisciplinary Professional Possibilities for the Conflict Resolution Scholar

Interdisciplinary Professional Possibilities for the Conflict Resolution Scholar


Conduct an employment search and you will discover that terms of collaboration, cooperation, relationship building, cultural awareness, diversity - all characteristic of conflict resolution models - are integral to success across many professions.  Today's leadership modules, whether it be in nonprofit work, corporations, healthcare, human services, education, or academia, emphasize conflict resolution skills as a core competency.   The interdisciplinary nature of conflict resolution as an academic field yields an array of career options.   Knowing how to negotiate, how to find commonality in difficult situations, and how to communicate more effectively are coveted commodities.  This webinar will offer insight on the necessity of conflict resolution skills across a range of professions and offer you practical advice on utilizing that expertise to secure employment.


Presenter Bio:

Lee is Co-founder and President of The LEEdership Institute, a faith-based nonprofit organization specializing in leadership development for emerging leaders. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from North Carolina A and T State University and a Master of Arts degree in Conflict Studies and Dispute Resolution from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  She is currently pursuing the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  Lee is a master connector – skilled at meeting others at points of commonality.  Inevitably, she has emerged as a respected voice of wisdom in intractable situations. A noted conference presenter and thought leader, Lee's personal mission is to assist others in realizing and showcasing their unique value. A native of Williamston, NC, she has resided in Greensboro, NC for the last 27 years.

Contact Info:

The LEEdership Institute


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The archive for the november webinar is now available for viewing. Please feel free to continue the discussion in this forum by posting any comments or questions. Enjoy! Bryan


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