Webinar (December/2013):What Every Mediator Needs to Understand About Attorneys and Effective Advocacy in Mediation

What Every Mediator Needs to Understand About

Attorneys and Effective Advocacy in Mediation

What Every Mediator Needs to Understand About Attorneys and Effecti... from The Werner Institute on Vimeo.

This practical webinar sessions, geared for neutrals who provide services in which lawyers and sophisticated parties use ADR techniques, especially mediation.  You will learn how to effectively manage attorneys and participants, interact with other parties engaged in ADR, and consider the use of ADR in different types of disputes. 

Dan Dozier, the presenter is an experienced attorney, mediator and process design expert, who has taught law school and graduate school classes about dispute resolution, conflict management, and negotiation techniques and practices. 


  • Effective Advocacy in Mediation; What Lawyers Can Add (and Subtract) to the Process
    • Helping the parties use the “right” process
    • Managing the people, process, and time
    • Preparing attorneys and decision-makers
    • How attorneys look at mediator qualifications
  • ADR Applications
    • Land use, transportation
    • Environmental
    • Policy dialogue
    • Employment


Presenter Bio:

Dan Dozier is a partner in Press & Dozier, LLC.  He has mediated hundreds of complex multiparty environmental, public policy, and land use disputes and has been appointed by United States District Courts from around the Nation to mediate cases. He is listed on rosters of mediators maintained by state and federal courts, the roster of senior environmental mediators of the U.S. Institute of Environmental Conflict Resolution (; and other rosters of senior mediators.  He was an adjunct professor at the Vermont Law School where he taught Environmental Dispute Resolution from 1989 to 2000.  He has been admitted to the practice of law in Michigan, the District of Columbia, and Maryland.

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The archive for our December webinar is now available for viewing. Please feel free to view it by simply clicking play on the video player above. You may also continue the conversation by posting any comments or questions in this discussion forum. Enjoy! Bryan


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