Call for Nominations for Election to ACR's Board of Directors and President-Elect
Each year, ACR seeks dedicated, energetic, enthusiastic, talented and knowledgeable members to become volunteer leaders as Board Directors and Officers. If you are such a member or know a member who qualifies, this is the time to consider becoming a candidate or nominating someone for a seat on the ACR Board of Directors.

As provided in ACR’s Bylaws, the Nominating Committee is soliciting nominations for the following positions, to be elected in August/September by voting members of ACR:

A President-Elect who will serve a three-year term, commencing at the end of the 2012 Annual Conference, the first year as President-Elect, the second year as President and the third year as Immediate Past-President. To be eligible for election to this office a candidate must either serve currently on the Board or have served on the Board within the five years immediately preceding his or her nomination as President-Elect.  

Three Directors-at-Large who will each serve three-year terms, commencing at the end of the 2012 Annual Conference. To be eligible for election to the Board, a person must be a Member of ACR in good standing, be at least eighteen years of age and will not have served on the Board for more than six consecutive years at the end of the term for which they are seeking election. The current Directors are listed at the end of this notice and those Directors whose term expires this year but who are eligible for re-election are also identified there.

One Chapters Director who will serve a three year term, commencing at the end of the 2012 Annual Conference. To be eligible for election to the Board, a person must be a Member of ACR in good standing, be at least eighteen years of age and will not have served on the Board for more than six consecutive years at the end of the term for which they are seeking election. Having previously served at the President, Chair, Co-chair (or other senior elected officer) of an ACR chapter is a desirable, but not required, qualification for service as the Chapter Director.  The Chapters Director may not serve at the same time as both Chapters Director and as the President, Chair, Co-chair (or other senior elected officer) of any chapter.

The duties and qualifications for these positions are as follows:

The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence and such other duties as may be assigned by the President. If the office of President becomes vacant, the President-Elect shall serve as President for the balance of the prior President’s term. The President-Elect shall be a member of the Board and the Executive Committee, and an ex officio member of all committees.

At-large Directors are expected to commit sufficient time and effort to manage the policy oversight of ACR and engage in fundraising on its behalf, in recognition of the importance of their dedicated efforts to the ultimate success of ACR. (A more complete description of the desired attributes of Directors appears later in this notice.)

Chapters Director shall be the designated point of contact between the Board and the members and leaders of ACR’s Chapters. This Chapters Director shall act as liaison between ACR and its Chapters and perform such other duties as are set forth in the Policy and Procedure Manual, or as directed by the President and the Board.

All recommendations for candidates must be received by June 22, 2012, in writing, addressed to ACR Nominating Committee, 12100 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 130, Reston, VA 20190 or by email to with “Nominations Committee” in the subject line.

As you consider recommending yourself or nominating another member, please review the following attributes of ACR Board members that reflect ACR’s core values and will enhance its effectiveness and that will be considered by the Nominating Committee in the selection process for nominees for the Board and President-Elect:

  • Demonstrated leadership commitment to and involvement with ACR. Examples include, but are not limited to, serving as chair, president or a member of a Section Advisory Council, Chapter Executive Committee, ACR Committee (such as the Annual Conference, Audit, Finance, Governance or Human Resources Committee), Task Force or Special Project.    
  • Relevant expertise in the disciplines of organizational or business management, preferably in similar professional or service organizations. Examples include, but are not limited to, long range planning, branding, component relations, fundraising, finance, conference planning, electronic and print communications, strategic partnerships and program evaluation.
  • Enhance diversity within the Board, as defined by race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, and professional level. ACR seeks leaders who practice a variety of types of conflict resolution and who are from all kinds of conflict resolution organizations.  
  • Commitment to participate actively in the Board’s work, including (but not limited to) the national conference and Board meetings, as well as chairing at least one Committee, Task Force or Working Group.  Typically, ACR Board members have devoted between 5 to 10 hours a week performing Board and committee business. In the recent past, Board meetings have taken place by monthly conference calls and by one in-person meeting immediately preceding the national conference.  Travel and other costs of attending in-person meetings is all or partially reimbursable upon request.
  • Donate (consistent with one’s financial ability) to the Annual Fund and/or fundraising campaigns and assist where appropriate with other resource development activities.
  • Demonstrate positive leadership attributes and emotional intelligence by working collaboratively and engaging in constructive debate and discussion when needed.
  • Be a visionary and strategic thinker, with demonstrated ability and appreciation of new and innovative programs. Examples include, but are not limited to, incorporating strategy, leadership, future focus, risk taking and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Have a collegial attitude and commitment toward all ACR members, including (but not limited to) an openness to new ideas, projects and strategies that support the mission of ACR, and a respect for and positive attitude toward the work of ACR, its Board and staff as well as its Sections, Chapters, Committees, Task Forces and Working Groups.

Each nomination must include:

  1. the position for which it is being made;
  2. the nominee’s contact information (including mail, e-mail addresses and phone numbers;
  3. the contact information (mail, and email address and phone numbers) for the person submitting the recommendation; and
  4. a brief statement (not exceeding 250 words) regarding the nominee’s eligibility and other qualifications for the position and addressing the attributes identified above, as well as any other information that might be relevant consideration of the recommended individual, such as:
    • service and leadership positions held in ACR and other organizations;
    • special expertise and/or knowledge that would be useful for the position for which he or she is being nominated; and
    • (if the recommendation is being made for someone else) whether the nominee has been asked, and has agreed, to serve if elected. 

For information about the time and other commitments Board members make to ACR, or for any other information about being please free to contact me at

Respectfully submitted,

Lou Gieszl, Immediate Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee

Current Members of ACR’s Board of Directors 

Term Ending in 2012

Term Ending in 2013

Term Ending in 2014




Kim Bunker (Chapters Director)

Perri Mayes** (President)

Jeff Cohen**

Lewis Dabney

Mary Miller

Bill Drake (Board Elected)

Russell Gerrard

John Windmueller

Nancy Flatters

Lou Gieszl** (Immediate Past President)

Frances Mossman (Vice President)

Marya Kolman** (President-elect)

Cheryl Jamison (Board Elected)

Tajae Gaynor (D&E Director)

Gigi Robson (Treasurer)

Tamara Pearson d’Estree

Jetta Todara

Jonathan Rosenthal (Sections Director)

Susanne Terry



** Not eligible for re-election.

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