ABA Dispute Resolution Section Ethics Essay Competition - 2015
In conjunction with 2015 American Bar Association Mediation Week and Creighton University’s Cyberweek, the Ethical Dilemma for the 2015 Cyberweek essay contest concerns a mediation that is conducted online. Let the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution’s Ethics Committee know your thoughts. The contest is limited to Students.
Each participant is asked to submit an online analysis of the mediator’s performance, in 750 words or less, to the ABA during Cyberweek, November 2 to November 6, 2015. Responses will only be accepted during Cyberweek.
Each submission will be read by two members of the Ethics Committee, scored, and the winning submission will receive $100.00 and will be published in an upcoming issue of the Section’s Just Resolutions eNewsletter. Read the full contest rules. Each participant will receive a certificate of participation upon submission of their analysis.
Read the full hypothetical and enter your analysis.
Moderator Bio:
Kristen M. Blankley is an Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska College of Law, where she teaches on a wide variety of alternative dispute resolution topics, including negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Ms. Blankley also an active scholar in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution, publishing on arbitration, mediation, and ethics in alternative dispute resolution issues. She has written on topics including class action arbitrations, judicial review of arbitration awards, mediation ethics, and mediation confidentiality.
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