A look at Students' works in ODR

Welcome to the ODR Student Showcase forum. This year we are inviting students to share their creative and scholarly works related to Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) broadly defined. University students are invited to post or embed links to slideshows, presentations, video clips, working papers, journal articles, or other creative works that they have authored and have permission to share. The submissions should be related in some way to conflict and/or conflict resolution and networked communication technologies or online social spaces. 


When posting the work, please introduce yourself, let us know what college or university you are associated with and include some information on the context within which the work was created (ie was it created as a class project, as part of a research initiative, as a thesis, as part of an internship, as a contest submission, etc.). If it is a work in progress and you are looking for specific feedback on aspects of the project please let us know that as well. 


I'm looking forward to seeing what our up and coming scholars and creative artists have been working on, so I do hope you'll decide to share. 

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Bill Warters, Ph.D. is a faculty member in the Master of Arts in Dispute Resolution Program offered by Wayne State University's Department of Communication. This semester he is teaching an online course entitled Dispute Resolution and Communication Technology that explores many aspects of ODR. He is author of Mediation in the Campus Community: Designing and Managing Effective Programs (Jossey-Bass, 2000) and a member of the Editorial Board of Conflict Resolution Quarterly. He developed and maintains two major web clearinghouses, campus-adr.org (for Higher Ed ADR) and creducation.org (for K-12 Conflict Resolution Education). He is a former chair of the ACR Education Section and a past President of ACR's Michigan SE Chapter.  He is a member of the international Conflict Resolution Day planning committee that organizes the yearly October event promoting CR. Bill received the William J. Kreidler Award from the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) in 2008 for distinguished service in the Education sector.



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Great Video! The students did a great job on this video, same goes for the one that Colin posted. It seems like a synchronous chat with video, but delivers a clear picture to its audience by conveying body language.
Bill Warters said:

To get the ball rolling, I'm posting this publicly available video produced as a student class project by Carla Cross, Karen Hamilton and Debbie Plested at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. They used a free tool called MovieStorm (moviestorm.co.uk) to animate the characters involved in a mock mediation conducted using avatars. I don't know how to reach them for comment, but I'd have to say I personally think it was a pretty nice student group project.

Hi Jillian,


thank you for your comments. I agree - it is hard to get individual complaints heard. However, I also believe that there is strength in numbers. If there is a way to pursue this and MAKE airlines be liable, there can be a lot of good done. It is my belief that we can compromise. Airlines could use some help with being customer oriented, and customers could use some help getting places without too much hassle :-)


Thanks for your feedback




Jillian Wirtel said:


With regard to your piece on ODR for airlines - as a passenger/consumer, I would love to see the airlines adopt this ODR process; however, form their perspective, I don't know if the incentives are strong enough just yet.  At present, airlines are getting away with little to no recourse for customer complaints (other than the incentives offered on the spot for bumped passengers) and possibly lost/damaged luggage. 


While I do agree that word of mouth, in the form of praise or critique, is very powerful, it is hard to believe that individual complaints are enough to entice the airlines to participate.  Airlines have experienced PR nightmares by the plenty but still seem to have the upperhand in most matters.  It almost seems that it would take the threat of losing some major business accounts for the airlines to agree to the ODR process. 

I think ODR has great promise of balancing out the power differential in these types of disputes and applying this format to the airline industry would be a terrific addition.  Thanks for sharing your work!


Daria S Heinemann said:

Hi all,


I am presenting this at NCA, but any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I worked on this paper as a way to fight my demons with airlines lack of dispute resolution services. I am sure we all can relate in one way or another. Let me know what you think :-)





Bill Warters said:

This morning we have another student contribution, this time from Daria Heinemann, a doctoral student at Wayne State University. Completing an assignment in a course on communication technology and conflict she produced this VoiceThread exploring ways to reduce conflict when using email to communicate. Click on the play button in the bottom center of the VoiceThread to start the auto-playing presentation.  While this piece shows her creativity, Daria also has written a paper on ODR for Airline Customer disputes that demonstrates the scholarly application of ODR system design concepts. We'll look forward to getting that posted here as well... Daria?


I love this video. As a child of the videograme age, this is interesting. It reminds me of the SIMS. Additionally, it is a great imitation of what a mediation should look like.  really the virtual mediator's  reframing and how she goes though the stages of mediation with idenitfying the needs and interests of the parties.

I thought it was creative. It was engaging and made me want to see whaT will happpen next. It was a great educational piece.

Jeannine Simpson said:

It would be very helpful to play this during the practicum training.  It is very clear, concise and shows how easily the steps flow together. 

Kevin McAlpine said:
This was a great video to walk someone through a dispute resolution scenario. I wonder if there is any merit in creating an avatar based followup to an actual face to face resolution as if it was a set of meeting minutes to be reviewed by both parties.

Bill Warters said:

To get the ball rolling, I'm posting this publicly available video produced as a student class project by Carla Cross, Karen Hamilton and Debbie Plested at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. They used a free tool called MovieStorm (moviestorm.co.uk) to animate the characters involved in a mock mediation conducted using avatars. I don't know how to reach them for comment, but I'd have to say I personally think it was a pretty nice student group project.



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