School-Based Conflict Resolution

The purpose of this group is to examine what types of conflict resolution practices we are employing in our schools.

Content Wanted for 3rd Edition of CRE Activity Calendar (May 31 Deadline)

Dear Friends of Conflict Resolution Education,

Got a notion on sharing emotions? Have a song that helps us get along? Maybe a scheme to achieve a dream? We want ‘em.

We’re looking for the ideas that are bouncing around your head – and your classroom – to motivate, move and make students think about the awesome power of conflict resolution to make a difference in their lives.

Many of you know and have used our first two editions of the Conflict Resolution Activities Calendar in your classroom. Some may only recently have heard about this student-centered resource for teaching CR skills and concepts in K-12. By all accounts, it’s been a well-received tool that warrants a third year with even wider distribution.

That’s where you come in. We need the energy and ideas our community has to fill in the gaps and expand our coverage for some important concepts and critical CR skills. Any activities you have used, read about, thought about, or just imagined right now while reading this letter are fair game. They should be specific activities and curriculum modules that K-12 teachers can weave into their classroom experience and actively engage students.

Submission is easy. Send us your ideas in a clear, concise format – approximately 250-300 words, perhaps with a weblink or two to a fuller description or necessary handouts/videos, etc. Because this is a free and non-commercial initiative, there should be no need for the teacher to have to buy a special curriculum to use the activity, although a story-activity that requires a specific book wouldn't necessarily be inappropriate. We expect to have a classroom Smartboard-friendly special edition this year, so interactive online games or online videos that can be tied to an activity are welcome. Original artwork and photographs that could be used without royalties in the calendar would also be appreciated.

Need a nudge in the right direction? Here are some areas we could use your help in developing:
• Problem-Solving Skill Development
• Negotiation, Collaboration and Consensus Skills Development
• Peer Mediation Concepts and Skills
• Bridging Activities Tying Together Age/Grade Levels Around a CR Theme
• Art Projects Promoting CR and/or Peacemaking
• Emotional Awareness Activities (dealing with Anger, Embarrassment, Frustration, etc.)
• Anti-bullying Skills
• Community-Building Activities
• Restorative Justice in the Classroom
• Conflict Resolution Jokes for Students
• Tips for Teachers/Parents Maintaining Their Own Center During Challenging Interactions

Credit Where Credit’s Due. We love sharing the names of our contributors with a nationwide audience. Tell us it’s OK and we’ll put your name in our calendar. And any training organization that donates a curriculum activity and makes the related handouts freely available can have a link pointing back to their site along with our gratitude.

Help us, please. We need to your submission no later than May 31st, 2011 so please send in your activitites, art work, photos or inspirational quotes ASAP. It’s a chance to have fun, share what works, make a difference on a national scale and gain the personal satisfaction and recognition that comes with making the world and our precious classrooms, youth serving organizations and families better for all.

It’s easy. Use our online form found here Your submission will be reviewed to the 2011-2012 Calendar Team. Any appropriate submissions not chosen for this year’s calendar will be considered for use in future calendars. Any appropriate submissions that cannot be used in their entirety (given space considerations) will be presented in full on the website.

The CRE 2011-2012 Calendar Team