Jennifer Vettrus


Milwaukee, WI

United States

Profile Information:

What is your profession and title?
Transition Coordinator for the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, Research Consultant at Marquette University Law School, TA at Creighton University
What is your ADR experience? (trainings and education)
Graduate: Online Master's Program in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution, Creighton University

Volunteer Supervisor, Mediation Clinic, Marquette University Law School and Milwaukee County Small Claims Court

Trained Circle Keeper, River Falls Restorative Justice Center, River Falls, WI

Completed practicum with retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge Janine Geske and Marquette Law School's Center for Restorative Justice.

Guiding the Milwaukee Jewish Federation through organizational transition as the Transition Coordinator.

Writing an academic research paper on restorative justice for Marquette Law School
What are you hoping to get from
Networking, Information, Resources, news of events
Do you/your company have a website?

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