What is your ADR experience? (trainings and education)
I am a researcher, trainer and practicioner from ADR since 1998. My publications ( books and articles) are in Spanish languaje, but Iam always interested in interchange my points of view and sometimes writte something in English, but I still dont have a goos command for to express correctly my thoughts in English. But I'd like to stay in touch
What, if any, ADR organizations or groups do you belong to?
In Latin America I am participating in the projects ODR Latinoamerica, CERECO Embasy of Peace,UNIDEM (Mediators from Uruguay), all our activities are in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and in my native country, Peru.
Now we are creating the first latin american watchtower on Peace, Justice, Huaman rights and Defense from our mother land. You are invited to participate in our first world Congress on line titled "Apropiate ways for solving conflicts", you can find the link in www.econgresorad.jimdo.com,
What are you hoping to get from ADRhub.com
Well I cant get many books on Mediation, because they are costly for my economics, I need your help for to receive some copies from books in English. I can send copies from books in Spanish or translate some chapters from my books and articles
Well there are many in Spanish and the one from our friend Craig in English
What else do you want to tell the ADRhub.com community (what you are up to, what you would like to do in ADR, etc.)
Only that my heart and mind are open for to interchange information, experience, knowledge and protect the rights from excluded people in our societies, our mother land and defend real Peace and Human Rights
Freddy Rolando Ortiz Nishihara
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Now we are creating the first latin american watchtower on Peace, Justice, Huaman rights and Defense from our mother land. You are invited to participate in our first world Congress on line titled "Apropiate ways for solving conflicts", you can find the link in www.econgresorad.jimdo.com,
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