Lynsee Swisher


Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your profession and title?
Consultant, Trainer
What is your ADR experience? (trainings and education)
Creighton University/ Werner Institute M.S.
30 Mediation (Werner)
40 Hour Basic (OS)
40 Hour Basic (DRC-K)
Land Use
Nonverbal and Conflict
What, if any, ADR organizations or groups do you belong to?
Mediators Beyond Borders
DRC of Kitsap County
Washington Mediators Association
What are you hoping to get from
Ability to find all things "ADR" into one convenient place.
Keep in contact with others working and learning in the ADR field.
What other ADR related sites do you visit?
What else do you want to tell the community (what you are up to, what you would like to do in ADR, etc.)
Marketing for the ADR field
Training Development/implementation
Developing trainings for:
Basic Conflict Resolution
Workplace Conflict
Real Estate Industry
Family Mediation
Foreclosure Mediation

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