School-Based Conflict Resolution

The purpose of this group is to examine what types of conflict resolution practices we are employing in our schools.

Internship at North Central College located in Naperville, IL

From the site:

LEV 495, Applied Leadership, is a course designed to provide students with firsthand work experience, on or off campus. The internship should, in some measurable way, utilize leadership skills on the job. This is a required course for students obtaining an Leadership, Ethics & Values minor, but it is also recommended for any student who seeks a glimpse into the real world.

The Dispute Resolution Center offers internships for those students who want to complete LEV 495 on campus. Internships within the DRC can vary, but past internships include working with Professor Cavenagh on special projects for the Leadership, Ethics, and Values program and interning as a Peer Mediation Coordinator. The coordinators are in charge of maintaining the relationships with peer mediators and other members of the campus community, such as the Residence Life staff. Looking to work off campus? Consider creating (or revising) an ADR procedure for your workplace or apartment complex.

LEV 495 is a flexible course that allows the student to craft his or her own leadership experience in the form of a directed study. Students meet with a course advisor throughout the term and set individual goals for the completion of the course. In other words, you design your own internship! Prerequisites are LEV 390 or two terms of LEV 330.


Here is a link to the North Central College Dispute Resolution Center:

Here is a link to the course / internship: