Master Transformative Mediation Class: Transformative Practice: Core Purpose and Key Challenges

Master Transformative Mediation Class: Transformative Practice: Core Purpose and Key Challenges

 Friday, October 16th, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm  

 Colorado Technical University, Room 251  (4435 N Chestnut St, Colorado Springs, CO 80907)

 Instructor: Joseph P. Folger Ph.D.

 Professor at Temple University; co-founder the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation; co-author of The Promise of Mediation (with R. Bush, 1994, 2005).  See Bio below.

Registration (limited to 30 & includes lunch)

Early Bird Registration through September 11, $160 ($15 Savings). After September 11 $175

Sponsors: Colorado Technical University; Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation; Phoenix Strategies, LLC

 More information about workshop: This interactive workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the underlying premises of the transformative approach to mediation practice and to address the key challenges it raises in practice.  How does a mediators' underlying purpose shape his or her specific approach to practice during mediations?  What should a mediation process look like if we assume that conflict is a crisis in human interaction?  What third party role, personal presence, and interventions support the transformation of the parties' conflict interaction?  

This workshop will address three types of challenges that transformative conflict intervention practitioners often face.  Specifically, it will cover:  Value challenges – when and why the core commitments of the model are difficult to sustain in practice; Cognitive challenges – the mental orientation and cognitive agility needed to perform the skills of a transformative practitioner; and Communication challenges – the communication skills a mediator needs to enact transformative interventions.

Joseph P. Folger PhD Bio

Joseph Folger is a Professor of Adult and Organizational Development at Temple University in Philadelphia Pennsylvania where he teaches courses in conflict theory, third party intervention and group process. He is a co-founder and current President of the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation ( . His work at the Institute included assisting with the design and delivery of the United States Postal Service REDRESS mediation program, as well as conducting assessment and benchmarking research for numerous organizations and mediation agencies. He has worked extensively as a third party intervener in organizational, community, court and small group disputes. He is also the co-founder of Temple University’s Conflict Education Resource Team – a peer mediation program for Temple University students.

Folger has delivered keynote addresses at conferences held by the Academy of Family Mediators, Mediation UK, Mediator’s Institute of Ireland, National Mediation Conference of Australia, Universal Forum of Cultures - Barcelona Spain, Congreso Mundial de Mediación and the Congreso International de Mediación, the Rakmo Institute of Slovenia, and IMAB in Sao Paulo Brazil. In 2006, he won the Peacebuilder of the Year award from the New York State Dispute Resolution Association. He has conducted mediation trainings throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, and South America.

Professor Folger has published extensively in the areas of communication and conflict, mediation, and third party intervention processes. His books include the award winning volumes, Working Through Conflict: Strategies for Relationships, Groups and Organizations (7th edition, with M.S. Poole and R.K. Stutman) and The Promise of Mediation (with R. Bush, 1994, 2005 ). He edited (with R.Bush) Designing Mediation: Approaches to Training and Practice within the Transformative Framework and most recently he edited (with R. Bush and D. DellaNoce) Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook -- Resources for Conflict Intervention Practitioners and Programs. 




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